  • April 25, 2024

This micro-library is made for you if:

  • You have ever written something like this:

let interval: TimeInterval = 10 * 60

To represent 10 minutes.



import Time

let tenMinutes = 10.minutes
let afterTenMinutes = Date() + 10.minutes
let tenMinutesAndSome = 10.minutes + 15.seconds
let tenMinutesInSeconds = 10.minutes.inSeconds
if 10.minutes > 500.seconds {
print(“That’s right”)


Time is not just a bunch of Double conversion functions. The main advantage of it is that all time units are strongly-typed. So, for example:

let tenMinutes = 10.minutes

Here tenMinutes will actually be of type Interval<Minute> (not to be confused with Foundation‘s TimeInterval). There are seven time units available, from nanoseconds to days:

public extension Double {

var seconds: Interval<Second> {
return Interval<Second>(self)

var minutes: Interval<Minute> {
return Interval<Minute>(self)

var milliseconds: Interval<Millisecond> {
return Interval<Millisecond>(self)

var microseconds: Interval<Microsecond> {
return Interval<Microsecond>(self)

var nanoseconds: Interval<Nanosecond> {
return Interval<Nanosecond>(self)

var hours: Interval<Hour> {
return Interval<Hour>(self)

var days: Interval<Day> {
return Interval<Day>(self)



You can perform all basic arithmetic operations on time intervals, even of different units:

let interval = 10.minutes + 15.seconds – 3.minutes + 2.hours // Interval<Minute>
let doubled = interval * 2

let seconds = 10.seconds + 3.minutes // Interval<Second>

You can also use these operations on Date:

let oneHourAfter = Date() + 1.hours


Time intervals are easily convertible:

let twoMinutesInSeconds = 2.minutes.inSeconds // Interval<Second>

You can also convert intervals to Foundation‘s TimeInterval, if needed:

let timeInterval = 5.minutes.timeInterval

You can also use converted(to:) method:

let fiveSecondsInHours = 5.seconds.converted(to: Hour.self) // Interval<Hour>
// or
let fiveSecondsInHours: Interval<Hour> = 5.seconds.converted()

Although, in my opinion, you would rarely need to.


You can compare different time units as well

50.minutes < 1.hour

Creating your own time units

If, for some reason, you need to create your own time unit, that’s super easy to do:

public enum Week: TimeUnit {

public static var toTimeIntervalRatio: Double {
return 604800


Now you can use it as any other time unit:

let fiveWeeks = Interval<Week>(5)

For the sake of convenience, don’t forget to write those handy extensions:

public enum Week: TimeUnit {

public static var toTimeIntervalRatio: Double {
return 604800


extension Interval {

public var inWeeks: Interval<Week> {
return converted()


extension Double {

public var weeks: Interval<Week> {
return Interval<Week>(self)


extension Int {

public var weeks: Interval<Week> {
return Interval<Week>(Double(self))



Also available:

  • Get conversion rate:

let conversionRate = Hour.conversionRate(to: Second.self) // 3600.0

  • GCD integration:

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(after: 5.seconds) {
// do stuff


Swift Package Manager

Starting with Xcode 11, Time is officially available only via Swift Package Manager.

In Xcode 11 or greater, in you project, select: File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency

In the search bar type


Then proceed with installation.

If you can’t find anything in the panel of the Swift Packages you probably haven’t added yet your github account. You can do that under the Preferences panel of your Xcode, in the Accounts section.

For command-line based apps, you can just add this directly to your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
.package(url: “https://github.com/dreymonde/Time”, from: “1.1.0”),


Of course, you always have an option of just copying-and-pasting the code – Time is just two files, so feel free.

Deprecated dependency managers

Last Time version to support Carthage and Cocoapods is 1.0.1. Carthage and Cocoapods will no longer be officially supported.


github “dreymonde/Time” ~> 1.0.1


pod ‘TimeIntervals’, ‘~> 1.0.1’


View Github

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