  • October 9, 2023

Swift library of generic collection view controller with external data processing of functionality, like determine cell’s reuseIdentifier related to indexPath, configuration of requested cell for display and cell selection handler etc


Initialisation with configuration

_flexibleCollectionVC = FlexibleCollectionViewController(collectionViewLayout: CustomFlowLayout(), configuration: CollectionConfiguration(userInteractionEnabled: true, showsHorizontalScrollIndicator: false, isScrollEnabled: true, multipleTouchEnabled: false, backgroundColor: .clear))

Cell and supplementary view registering

_flexibleCollectionVC.register(UICollectionViewCell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: “UICollectionViewCell”)
_flexibleCollectionVC.registerSupplementaryView(UIHeaderImageCollectionView.self, kind: .header, reuseIdentifier: UIHeaderImageCollectionView.reuseIdentifier)

Requesting indentifier of cell for specific indexPath

_flexibleCollectionVC.requestCellIdentifier = { value in
return “UICollectionViewCell”

Requesting indentifier of supplementary view for specific indexPath

_flexibleCollectionVC.requestSupplementaryIdentifier = { value in
return UIHeaderImageCollectionView.reuseIdentifier

Configuration of input cell with related data to indexPath

_flexibleCollectionVC.configureCell = { (cell: UICollectionViewCell, data: CollectionImageCellData?, indexPath: IndexPath) in
guard let data = data else {
return false

cell.backgroundColor = data.color

return true

Configuration of supplementary view with related kind and data to indexPath

_flexibleCollectionVC.configureSupplementary = { (view: UICollectionReusableView, kind: SupplementaryKind, data: CollectionImageCellData?, indexPath: IndexPath) in
if let view = view as? UIHeaderImageCollectionView, let data = data {
view.text = data.category

return true

return false

Process cell selection to related indexPath

_flexibleCollectionVC.cellDidSelect = { value in
return (deselect: true, animate: true)

Estimate cell size

_flexibleCollectionVC.estimateCellSize = { value in
guard let layout = value.1 as? UICollectionViewFlowLayout else {
return nil

let col: CGFloat = 3
let width = value.0.bounds.width-(layout.sectionInset.left+layout.sectionInset.right)
let side = round(width/col)-layout.minimumInteritemSpacing
return CGSize(width: side, height: side)

Put predefined cells in generated order related to ListGenerator



Swift 3 or above


FlexibleCollectionViewController is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod “FlexibleCollectionViewController”


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#collectionview #flexible #indexpath #swift3

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