Make sure to check out our counterpart too: TrueTime, an NTP library for Android. NTP client for Swift. Calculate the time ...

SheetyColors is an action sheet styled color picker for iOS: 📱 Based on UIAlertController: The SheetyColors API is based on UIKit's UIAlertController. Simply add ...

Base types for theming an app. CostumeKit is made of up a set of Swift protocols. They are meant to be ...

install Make sure you have the latest version of CocoaPods (gem install cocoapods) that has Swift support. At the time of this ...

🃏 Autogenerated timelines presented as cards 🃏 🃏 Single or bundled into feed 🃏

Pages is the easiest way of setting up a UIPageViewController. It comes with some convenience methods like, disabling swipe, going to ...

Easy to use UIPageViewController to create a view navigation like Snapchat/Tinder/iOS Main Pages.

Swipeable UITableViewCell/UICollectionViewCell based on the stock, implemented in Swift. About A swipeable UITableViewCell or UICollectionViewCell with support for: Left and right swipe actions ...

Create your own pull up controller with multiple sticky points like in iOS Maps