Horizon SDK is a state of the art real-time video recording / photo shooting iOS library. Some of the features ...

A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping.     Features  Front facing and rear facing camera  Simple ...

Kronos is an NTP client library written in Swift. It supports sub-seconds precision and provides a stable monotonic clock that ...

Format your dates/times as emojis 🕟 🕑 🕗 Description You can build easy to understand user interfaces with EmojiTimeFormatter or ...

Make sure to check out our counterpart too: TrueTime, an NTP library for Android. NTP client for Swift. Calculate the time ...

Dark and Mysterious🕶 Usage The control itsself is TenClock. Add that to your view hierarchy, and constrain it to be square ...

Migration 2014.04.12 NSDate+TimeAgo has merged with DateTools. DateTools is the parent project and Matthew York is the project head. This ...

A TimeZonePicker UIViewController similar to the iOS Settings app. Search and select from a range of cities and countries to ...

Time is a Swift package that makes it easy to perform robust and type-safe date and time calculations. Working with calendars ...