Migration 2014.04.12 NSDate+TimeAgo has merged with DateTools. DateTools is the parent project and Matthew York is the project head. This ...

A Swift based reimplementation of the Apple HUD (Volume, Ringer, Rotation,…) for iOS 8 and up.

KRProgressHUD is a beautiful and easy-to-use progress HUD for your iOS written by Swift. KRActivityIndicatorView is used for loading view.

A customizable animated gradient loading bar. Inspired by iOS 7 Progress Bar from Codepen.

Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+. Really simple to use, just add the class and write 1 line of code.

A rubber animation pagecontrol

A number of preset progress indicators created with SwiftUI

A number of preset loading indicators created with SwiftUI

IHProgressHUD is a clean and easy-to-use HUD meant to display the progress of an ongoing task on iOS and tvOS. IHProgressHUD is based ...