📑 SHEET helps you easily create a wide variety of action sheets with navigation features used in the Flipboard App

BPStatusBarAlert is a library that allows you to easily make text-based alert that appear on the status bar and below navigation ...

A customizable animated gradient loading bar. Inspired by iOS 7 Progress Bar from Codepen.

KYNavigationProgress is simple extension of UINavigationController to display progress on the UINavigationBar.

Controls the visibility of the network activity indicator on iOS using Alamofire.

MRProgress is a collection of drop-in components that display a dimmed overlay with a blurred box view with an indicator ...

M13ProgressSuite ================ A set of classes used to display progress information to users on iOS.

MHRadialProgressView is an iOS drop-in class radial animated progress view.  (by placeit) ##Requirements MHRadialProgressView works on iOS 6 and above ...

NightNight makes it easy to integrate night mode. It provides multiple APIs which all contain keyword mixed. If you want to implement ...