  • October 27, 2023

Beautiful Animated custom Alert View inspired from javascript library SweetAlert. Written in Swift this SweetAlertView can be used in Swift and Objective-C projects. SweetAlertView provides live intutive experience to user actions.It can be used in place of UIAlertView and UIAlertController


###Usage #####Basic message:


SweetAlert().showAlert(“Here’s a message!”)

#####Title with a text under:

SweetAlert().showAlert(“Here’s a message!”, subTitle: “It’s pretty, isn’t it?”, style: AlertStyle.None)

#####Animated Success message:

SweetAlert().showAlert(“Good job!”, subTitle: “You clicked the button!”, style: AlertStyle.Success)

#####Warning message and Chained Animated Success messge on completion:

SweetAlert().showAlert(“Are you sure?”, subTitle: “You file will permanently delete!”, style: AlertStyle.Warning, buttonTitle:”Cancel”, buttonColor:UIColorFromRGB(0xD0D0D0) , otherButtonTitle: “Yes, delete it!”, otherButtonColor: UIColorFromRGB(0xDD6B55)) { (isOtherButton) -> Void in
if isOtherButton == true {

println(“Cancel Button Pressed”)
else {
SweetAlert().showAlert(“Deleted!”, subTitle: “Your imaginary file has been deleted!”, style: AlertStyle.Success)

#####Chained Alerts on actions with custom button colors:

//Chaining alerts with messages on button click
SweetAlert().showAlert(“Are you sure?”, subTitle: “You file will permanently delete!”, style: AlertStyle.Warning, buttonTitle:”No, cancel plx!”, buttonColor:UIColorFromRGB(0xD0D0D0) , otherButtonTitle: “Yes, delete it!”, otherButtonColor: UIColorFromRGB(0xDD6B55)) { (isOtherButton) -> Void in
if isOtherButton == true {

SweetAlert().showAlert(“Cancelled!”, subTitle: “Your imaginary file is safe”, style: AlertStyle.Error)
else {
SweetAlert().showAlert(“Deleted!”, subTitle: “Your imaginary file has been deleted!”, style: AlertStyle.Success)

#####Custom icon alert:

SweetAlert().showAlert(“Sweet!”, subTitle: “Here’s a custom image.”, style: AlertStyle.CustomImag(imageFile: “thumb.jpg”))

###Diffrent Animated Styles for Diffrent Purposes

enum AlertStyle {
case Success,Error,Warning,None
case CustomImag(imageFile:String)

###Installation Add the SwiftAlert.swift in to your project.


  • Xcode 7.0+
  • iOS 7.0+


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#alertview #animation #ios #library #objectivec #swift

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