- December 17, 2024
- Mins Read
There are various ways you can add BadgeSwift to your Xcode project.
Add source (iOS 7+)
Simply add BadgeSwift.swift file to your project.
Alternatively, add github "evgenyneu/swift-badge" ~> 8.0
to your Cartfile and run carthage update
If you are using CocoaPods add this text to your Podfile and run pod install
target ‘Your target name’
pod ‘BadgeSwift’, ‘~> 8.0’
Setup a previous version of the library if you use an older version of Swift.
to BadgeSwift
in identity inspector.module
property to BadgeSwift
(unless you used the file setup method).Note: Carthage setup method does not allow to customize Cosmos view from the storyboard, please do it from code instead.
Add import BadgeSwift
to your source code unless you used the file setup method.
let badge = BadgeSwift()
// Position the badge …
See example of how to create and position the badge from code in the demo app.
// Text
badge.text = “2”
// Insets
badge.insets = CGSize(width: 12, height: 12)
// Font
badge.font = UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: UIFontTextStyle.body)
// Text color
badge.textColor = UIColor.yellow
// Badge color
badge.badgeColor = UIColor.black
// Shadow
badge.shadowOpacityBadge = 0.5
badge.shadowOffsetBadge = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0)
badge.shadowRadiusBadge = 1.0
badge.shadowColorBadge = UIColor.black
// No shadow
badge.shadowOpacityBadge = 0
// Border width and color
badge.borderWidth = 5.0
badge.borderColor = UIColor.magenta
// Customize the badge corner radius.
// -1 if unspecified. When unspecified, the corner is fully rounded. Default: -1.
badge.cornerRadius = 10
This project includes a demo app.
A vertical stackview which takes subviews with different widths and adds them to it's rows with paddings, spacings etc.
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