- December 17, 2024
- Mins Read
Since Facebook introduced reactions in 2016, it became a standard in several applications as a way for users to interact with content. ReactionButton is a control that allows developers to add this functionality to their apps in an easy way.
There are multiple ways to instantiate a ReactionButton
, using a frame, storyboards, or an empty convenience initializer.
let buttonSample = ReactionButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
buttonSample.dataSource = self
Images from Trump reactionpacks style.
The ReactionButton
has a delegate to communicate events of option selection, option focus, and cancel of actions. To use it, set the ReactionButtonDelegate
conform as a delegate.
let buttonSample = ReactionButton(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))
buttonSample.delegate = self
Images from Trump reactionpacks style.
allows customization of the layout with the help of ReactionButtonDelegateLayout
. To use it, please conform to that protocol and set it as delegate (Same pattern as UICollectionView).
func ReactionSelectorConfiguration(_ selector: ReactionButton) -> ReactionButton.Config {
ReactionButton.Config(spacing: 2,
size: 30,
minSize: 34,
maxSize: 45,
spaceBetweenComponents: 30)
You can custom your selector with the following variables, used in the
A vertical stackview which takes subviews with different widths and adds them to it's rows with paddings, spacings etc.
AudioManager is a Swift package that provides a modular and easy-to-use interface for implementing audio feedback in your applications. It ...