- December 30, 2024
- Mins Read
UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@), URLs (http://), Emails and custom regex patterns, written in Swift
drop-in replacementAdd the following to your Cartfile
and follow these instructions
github “optonaut/ActiveLabel.swift”
CocoaPods 0.36 adds supports for Swift and embedded frameworks. To integrate ActiveLabel into your project add the following to your Podfile
platform :ios, ‘10.0’
pod ‘ActiveLabel’
import ActiveLabel
let label = ActiveLabel()
label.numberOfLines = 0
label.enabledTypes = [.mention, .hashtag, .url, .email]
label.text = “This is a post with #hashtags and a @userhandle.”
label.textColor = .black
label.handleHashtagTap { hashtag in
print(“Success. You just tapped the \(hashtag) hashtag”)
let customType = ActiveType.custom(pattern: “\\swith\\b”) //Regex that looks for “with”
label.enabledTypes = [.mention, .hashtag, .url, .email, customType]
label.text = “This is a post with #hashtags and a @userhandle.”
label.customColor[customType] = UIColor.purple
label.customSelectedColor[customType] = UIColor.green
label.handleCustomTap(for: customType) { element in
print(“Custom type tapped: \(element)”)
By default, an ActiveLabel instance has the following configuration
label.enabledTypes = [.mention, .hashtag, .url, .email]
But feel free to enable/disable to fit your requirements
When using ActiveLabel, it is recommended to use the customize(block:)
method to customize it. The reason is that ActiveLabel is reacting to each property that you set. So if you set 3 properties, the textContainer is refreshed 3 times.
When using customize(block:)
, you can group all the customizations on the label, that way ActiveLabel is only going to refresh the textContainer once.
label.customize { label in
label.text = “This is a post with #multiple #hashtags and a @userhandle.”
label.textColor = UIColor(red: 102.0/255, green: 117.0/255, blue: 127.0/255, alpha: 1)
label.hashtagColor = UIColor(red: 85.0/255, green: 172.0/255, blue: 238.0/255, alpha: 1)
label.mentionColor = UIColor(red: 238.0/255, green: 85.0/255, blue: 96.0/255, alpha: 1)
label.URLColor = UIColor(red: 85.0/255, green: 238.0/255, blue: 151.0/255, alpha: 1)
label.handleMentionTap { self.alert(“Mention”, message: $0) }
label.handleHashtagTap { self.alert(“Hashtag”, message: $0) }
label.handleURLTap { self.alert(“URL”, message: $0.absoluteString) }
You have the possiblity to set the maximum lenght a url can have;
label.urlMaximumLength = 30
From now on, a url that’s bigger than that, will be trimmed.
-> https://afancyurl.com/wh...
label.handleMentionTap { userHandle in print(“\(userHandle) tapped”) }
label.handleHashtagTap { hashtag in print(“\(hashtag) tapped”) }
label.handleURLTap { url in UIApplication.shared.openURL(url) }
label.handleEmailTap { email in print(“\(email) tapped”) }
label.handleCustomTap(for: customType) { element in print(“\(element) tapped”) }
label.filterHashtag { hashtag in validHashtags.contains(hashtag) }
label.filterMention { mention in validMentions.contains(mention) }
Before writing ActiveLabel
we’ve tried a lot of the following alternatives but weren’t quite satisfied with the quality level or ease of usage, so we decided to contribute our own solution.