- December 17, 2024
- Mins Read
An easier constructor for UIAlertController. Present an alert from anywhere like this.
ALRT.create(.alert, title: “Alert?”).addOK().addCancel().show()
and .actionSheet
whether an alert is successfully displayed. In other words, Unit Testable.
github “mshrwtnb/ALRT” ~> 1.3.7
pod repo update
pod ‘ALRT’, ‘~> 1.3.7’
import ALRT
// Instantiate an .alert-type UIAlertController with OK and Cancel actions. Finally, present the alert by calling `show()`.
ALRT.create(.alert, title: “Title”, message: “Message”).addOK().addCancel().show()
// Instantiate an .actionSheet-type UIAlertController.
ALRT.create(.actionSheet, message: “Action Sheet”)
.addAction(“Option A”)
.addAction(“Option B”)
.addDestructive(“Destructive Option”)
Each action comes with different UIAlertAction.Style
ALRT.create(.alert, title: “Action Types?”)
.addAction(“🏂”) // .default if not specified
.addOK() // .default
.addCancel(“❌”) // .cancel
.addDestructive(“💣”) // .destructive
OK and Cancel actions have default titles in English; “OK” and “Cancel”. Here, we’re overriding the titles in Japanese.
ALRT.create(.alert, title: “Actions In Japanese?”).addOK(“オーケー”).addCancel(“キャンセル”).show()
Each action has handler
that is called when user taps the action. The closure takes two parameters: UIAlertAction
and [UITextField]?
. The former is self-explanatory. The latter is present if text field(s) is/are added to the alert.
ALRT.create(.alert, title: “Action Handling”)
.addOK() { action, textFields in
print(“\(action.title!) tapped”)
has a completion handler that takes Result
. You can ensure if the alert was shown successfully or not. This is useful for unit tests.
ALRT.create(.alert, title: “Result Handling”)
.show() { result in
switch result {
case .success:
print(“Alert is successfully shown”)
case .failure(let error):
print(“Error occurred. \(error.localizedDescription)”)
Textfield(s) can be added to an alert in an use-case such as login.
enum TextFieldIdentifier: Int {
case username
case password
ALRT.create(.alert, title: “Enter your credentials”)
// Configure textfield
.addTextField { textfield in
textfield.placeholder = “Username”
textfield.tag = TextFieldIdentifier.username.rawValue
.addTextField() { textField in
textField.placeholder = “Password”
textField.isSecureTextEntry = true
textField.tag = TextFieldIdentifier.password.rawValue
// If an user selects “Login”, textfields above are retrieved in the trailing closure. Distinguish one from another with a tag or identifier.
.addAction(“Login”) { _, textfields in
for textField in textfields ?? [] {
if let identifier = TextFieldIdentifier(rawValue: textField.tag) {
switch identifier {
case .username:
// Extract username
case .password:
// Extract password
Although ALRT can present an alert anywhere, you might want to specify a source view controller for some reason. This can be done easily by passing a view controller to show()
ALRT.create(.alert, title: “Source?”)
.show(self) // self = source view controller
Set default tintColor and titles for OK and Cancel buttons.
ALRT.defaultConfiguration = .init(
tintColor: UIColor.blue,
okTitle: “OK👍”,
cancelTitle: “Cancel👎”
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