- December 30, 2024
- Mins Read
At the begin, I didn’t encapsulate code, @luxorules refactor code into class and improve it to support not only image, then I encapsulate my code into class. So, there are two choices.
Here is CardContainerView API reference. CardContainerView supports custom card size, pan gesture.
let cardContainerView = CardContainerView(frame: aFrame)// with defalut card size.
cardContainerView.dataSource = id<CardContainerDataSource>
public protocol CardContainerDataSource: class{
func numberOfCards(for cardContainerView: UICardContainerView) -> Int
func cardContainerView(_ cardContainerView: UICardContainerView, imageForCardAt index: Int) -> UIImage?
CardAnimationView supports custom card size, pan gesture.
Usage is simple also:
let cardAnimationView = CardAnimationView.init(frame: aFrame)// with defalut card size.
cardAnimationView.dataSourceDelegate = id<CardAnimationViewDataSource>
It adds a little complexity to exchange for: custom card view(not only image).
protocol CardAnimationViewDataSource : class {
func numberOfVisibleCards() -> Int
func numberOfCards() -> Int
// Return view displayed in the CardAnimationView. If reusedView is not nil,
// you could configure and return it to reuse it.
func cardNumber(number:Int, reusedView:BaseCardView?) -> BaseCardView