Aojet is an actor model implemetion for swift. Features  Asynchronous, non-blocking and highly performant message-driven programming model  Safe as well as efficient ...

Author: Drew McCormack Created: 29th September, 2013 Last Updated: 15th February, 2017 Ensembles 2 is now available for purchase at It has performance ...

Visit the project's pretty homepage. Here's mogenerator's elevator pitch: mogenerator is a command-line tool that, given an .xcdatamodel file, will generate two classes per entity. ...

In software engineering, the active record pattern is a design pattern found in software that stores its data in relational ...

Core Data Query Interface (CDQI) is a type-safe, fluent, intuitive library for working with Core Data in Swift. CDQI tremendously ...

Introduction Core Data Dandy is a feature-light wrapper around Core Data that simplifies common database operations. Feature summary Initializes and ...

Notice: Sync was supported from it's creation back in 2014 until March 2021 Moving forward I won't be able to ...