• December 2, 2023

CHIOTPField is a set of textfields that can be used for One-time passwords, SMS codes, PIN codes, etc. All fields support insertion of one-time codes from SMS.

Made with ❤️ by Chili Labs.



  • iOS 10.0+
  • Swift 5



Just add the Sources folder to your project.


use CocoaPods with Podfile:

pod ‘CHIOTPField’, ‘~> 0.1’

# individual page control
pod ‘CHIOTPField/One’
pod ‘CHIOTPField/Two’
pod ‘CHIOTPField/Three’
pod ‘CHIOTPField/Four’

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
.package(url: “”, .upToNextMajor(from: “0.1”))



Just drop UITextField and set its class to be one of CHIOTPField.





let field = CHIOTPFieldOne(frame: .init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 60))
field.numberOfDigits = 4
field.cornerRadius = 4

Text Color

Just change the text color for textfield as you normaly do.

Caret color

Tint color is responsible for caret color. If you want to hide a caret, just set the color to clear.

OTP Fields



var numberOfDigits: Int // number of boxes for digits
var spacing: Int // spacing between digits
var boxBackgroundColor: UIColor // background color of the box in normal state
var borderColor: UIColor // border color of the box in normal state
var cornerRadius: CGFloat // corner radius of the box
var activeShadowColor: UIColor? // shadow color of the box in active state
var activeShadowOpacity: CGFloat // shadow opacity of the box in active state
var boxPlaceholder: String? // placeholder text
var boxPlaceholderColor: UIColor? // placeholder text color


var numberOfDigits: Int // number of boxes for digits
var spacing: Int // spacing between digits
var cornerRadius: CGFloat // corner radius of the box
var boxBackgroundColor: UIColor // background color of the box in normal state
var activeBoxBackgroundColor: UIColor // background color of the box in active state
var filledBoxBackgroundColor: UIColor // background color of the box if a text is entered
var borderColor: UIColor // border color of the box in normal state
var activeBorderColor: UIColor? // border color of the box in active
var filledBorderColor: UIColor? // border color of the box if a text is entered
var boxPlaceholder: String? // placeholder text
var boxPlaceholderColor: UIColor? // placeholder text color


var numberOfDigits: Int // number of boxes for digits
var spacing: Int // spacing between digits
var boxBackgroundColor: UIColor // background color of the box in normal state
var borderHeight: CGFloat / /bottom border height
var borderCornerRadius: CGFloat // bottom border radius
var dotRadius: CGFloat // dot radius when text is entered


var numberOfDigits: Int // number of boxes for digits
var spacing: Int // spacing between digits
var boxBackgroundColor: UIColor // background color of the box in normal state
var borderHeight: CGFloat / /bottom border height
var borderColor: CGFloat // bottom border color
var cornerRadius: CGFloat // corner radius of the box


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#cocoapods #ios #swift #swiftpackagemanager #textfield #uitextfield

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