- December 17, 2024
- Mins Read
Circle Progress Bar iOS Control.
Require iOS 7.0+ or tvOS 9.0+
You can install this control in two ways:
pod ‘CircleProgressBar’, ‘~> 0.32’
Download source from this repository and copy CircleProgressBarDemo/CircleProgressBar folder to your project.
Don’t forget to add UIKit and QuartzCore frameworks to your project.
NOTE: If you installed this control manually – please be sure that you’ve added UIKit and QuartzCore frameworks to your project.
NOTE: If you’re using rectangular view for CircleProgressBar control instead of square, ProgressBar will fit available area and will be drawn in center of it.
NOTE: If you’re using swift, be sure to add import CircleProgressBar
to source file where you’re using it.
You can simply add UIView in Interface Builder to your controller and change it’s class to “CircleProgressBar” (overridden initWithCoder method will be called) or create CircleProgressBar programmatically using init or initWithFrame methods.
Using Interface Builder you’ll take advantage of Xcode 6 new live rendering feature to customize control according to your needs on the fly (will be explained below in “Customization” section).
To change progress, simply call “setProgress:animated:” method of CircleProgressBar instance:
[_circleProgressBar setProgress:(CGFloat)progress animated:(BOOL)animated];
circleProgressBar.setProgress(CGFloat, animated: Bool)
or “setProgress:animated:duration:” method to define custom animation time:
[_circleProgressBar setProgress:(CGFloat)progress animated:(BOOL)animated duration:(CGFloat)duration];
circleProgressBar.setProgress(CGFloat, animated: Bool, duration: CGFloat)
To check if there is ongoing animation use isAnimating
property. To stop an ongoing animation, you can use stopAnimation
method. In this case it will set the progress to animation end value:
[_circleProgressBar stopAnimation];
// Progress Bar Customization
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat progressBarWidth;
@property (nonatomic) UIColor *progressBarProgressColor;
@property (nonatomic) UIColor *progressBarTrackColor;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat startAngle;
// Hint View Customization (inside progress bar)
@property (nonatomic) BOOL hintHidden;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat hintViewSpacing;
@property (nonatomic) UIColor *hintViewBackgroundColor;
@property (nonatomic) UIFont *hintTextFont;
@property (nonatomic) UIColor *hintTextColor;
Using these customization properties you can define Progress Bar’s width, color of filled part, color of empty part, Progress Bar’s start angle, Hint View’s spacing (between progress bar and hint view), background color, hint text color and hint text font.
If you want to hide HintView you can simply set hintHidden property to NO.
To customize text inside HintView you can simply set TextGenerationBlock:
[_circleProgressBar setHintTextGenerationBlock:(StringGenerationBlock)generationBlock];
circleProgressBar.setHintTextGenerationBlock(generationBlock: StringGenerationBlock!)
For example this way:
[_circleProgressBar setHintTextGenerationBlock:^NSString *(CGFloat progress) {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@”%.0f / 255″, progress * 255];
circleProgressBar.setHintTextGenerationBlock { (progress) -> String? in
return String.init(format: “%.0f / 255”, arguments: [progress * 255])
If you want to use NSAttributedString you can set instead HintAttributedGenerationBlock:
[_circleProgressBar setHintAttributedGenerationBlock:(AttributedStringGenerationBlock)generationBlock];
circleProgressBar.setHintAttributedGenerationBlock(generationBlock: AttributedStringGenerationBlock!)
If you using Interface Builder, you can take an advantage of Xcode 6 live render with IBDesignable and IBInspectable features to customize control:
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