- December 30, 2024
- Mins Read
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Still wanna use iOS7 and swift 2.2 or 2.3?
-> You can use 1.4.0 instead.
Add the following line to your Podfile:
target ‘YOUR_TARGET_NAME’ do
pod ‘Former’
Add the following line to your Cartfile:
github “ra1028/Former”
You can set the cell’s appearance and events-callback at the same time.
ViewController and Cell do not need to override the provided defaults.
import Former
final class ViewController: FormViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let labelRow = LabelRowFormer<FormLabelCell>()
.configure { row in
row.text = “Label Cell”
}.onSelected { row in
// Do Something
let inlinePickerRow = InlinePickerRowFormer<FormInlinePickerCell, Int>() {
$0.titleLabel.text = “Inline Picker Cell”
}.configure { row in
row.pickerItems = (1…5).map {
InlinePickerItem(title: “Option\($0)”, value: Int($0))
}.onValueChanged { item in
// Do Something
let header = LabelViewFormer<FormLabelHeaderView>() { view in
view.titleLabel.text = “Label Header”
let section = SectionFormer(rowFormer: labelRow, inlinePickerRow)
.set(headerViewFormer: header)
former.append(sectionFormer: section)
RowFormer is the base class of the class that manages the cell. A cell that is managed by the RowFormer class should conform to the corresponding protocol. Each of the RowFormer classes exposes event handling in functions named “on*” (e.g., onSelected, onValueChanged, etc…)
Default provided RowFormer classes and the protocols that corresponding to it are listed below.
let labelRow = LabelRowFormer<YourLabelCell>(instantiateType: .Nib(nibName: “YourLabelCell”)) {
$0.titleLabel.textColor = .blackColor()
}.configure { row in
row.rowHeight = 44
row.text = “Label Cell”
}.onSelected { row in
print(“\(row.text) Selected !!”)
row.update { row in
row.text = “Updated title”
row.cellUpdate { cell in
cell.titleLabel.textColor = .redColor()
let cell = row.cell
row.dynamicRowHeight { tableView, indexPath -> CGFloat in
return 100
ViewFormer is base class of the class that manages the HeaderFooterView.
A HeaderFooterView that is managed by the ViewFormer class should conform to the corresponding protocol. Default provided ViewFormer classes and the protocols that correspond to it are listed below.
Demo | Class | Protocol | Default provided cell |
Free | CustomViewFormer | None | None |
LabelViewFormer | LabelFormableView | FormLabelHeaderView FormLabelFooterView |
let headerView = LabelViewFormer<YourLabelView>(instantiateType: .Nib(nibName: “YourLabelView”)) {
$0.titleLabel.textColor = .blackColor()
}.configure { view in
view.viewHeight = 30
view.text = “Label HeaderFooter View”
SectionFormer is a class that represents the Section of TableView.
SectionFormer can append, add, insert, remove the RowFormer and set the ViewFormer.
let section = SectionFormer(rowFormer: row1, row2, row3)
.set(headerViewFormer: headerView)
.set(footerViewFormer: footerView)
add the cell
section.append(rowFormer: row1, row2, row3)
section.add(rowFormers: rows)
section.insert(rowFormer: row, toIndex: 3)
section.insert(rowFormer: row, below: otherRow)
// etc…
remove the cell
section.remove(rowFormer: row)
// etc…
set the HeaderFooterViewe
section.set(headerViewFormer: headerView)
section.set(footerViewFormer: footerView)
Former is a class that manages the entire form.
Examples is below.
add the section or cell
former.append(sectionFormer: row)
former.add(sectionFormers: rows)
former.insert(sectionFormer: section, toSection: 0)
former.insert(rowFormer: row, toIndexPath: indexPath)
former.insert(sectionFormer: section, above: otherSection)
former.insert(rowFormers: row, below: otherRow)
// etc…
// with animation
former.insertUpdate(sectionFormer: section, toSection: 0, rowAnimation: .Automatic)
former.insertUpdate(rowFormer: row, toIndexPath: indexPath, rowAnimation: .Left)
former.insertUpdate(sectionFormer: section, below: otherSection, rowAnimation: .Fade)
former.insertUpdate(rowFormers: rows, above: otherRow, rowAnimation: .Bottom)
// etc…
remove the section or cell
former.remove(rowFormer: row1, row2)
former.remove(sectionFormer: section1, section2)
// etc…
// with animation
former.removeUpdate(sectionFormers: sections, rowAnimation: .Middle)
// etc…
Select and deselect the cell
former.select(indexPath: indexPath, animated: true, scrollPosition: .Middle)
former.select(rowFormer: row, animated: true)
// etc…
end editing
become editing next/previous cell
if former.canBecomeEditingNext() {
if former.canBecomeEditingPrevious() {
functions to setting event handling
public func onCellSelected(handler: (NSIndexPath -> Void)) -> Self
public func onScroll(handler: ((scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Void)) -> Self
public func onBeginDragging(handler: (UIScrollView -> Void)) -> Self
public func willDeselectCell(handler: (NSIndexPath -> NSIndexPath?)) -> Self
public func willDisplayCell(handler: (NSIndexPath -> Void)) -> Self
public func willDisplayHeader(handler: (/*section:*/Int -> Void)) -> Self
public func willDisplayFooter(handler: (/*section:*/Int -> Void)) -> Self
public func didDeselectCell(handler: (NSIndexPath -> Void)) -> Self
public func didEndDisplayingCell(handler: (NSIndexPath -> Void)) -> Self
public func didEndDisplayingHeader(handler: (/*section:*/Int -> Void)) -> Self
public func didEndDisplayingFooter(handler: (/*section:*/Int -> Void)) -> Self
public func didHighlightCell(handler: (NSIndexPath -> Void)) -> Self
public func didUnHighlightCell(handler: (NSIndexPath -> Void)) -> Self
There is no need to inherit from the FormViewController class.
Instead, create an instance of UITableView and Former, as in the following example.
final class YourViewController: UIViewController {
private let tableView: UITableView = UITableView(frame: CGRect.zero, style: .Grouped) // It may be IBOutlet. Not forget to addSubview.
private lazy var former: Former = Former(tableView: self.tableView)
Cell There is likewise no need to inherit from the default provided cell class (FormLabelCell etc …); only conform to the corresponding protocol. You can use Nibs, of course. An example with LabelRowFormer:
final class YourCell: UITableViewCell, LabelFormableRow {
// MARK: LabelFormableRow
func formTextLabel() -> UILabel? {
return titleLabel
func formSubTextLabel() -> UILabel? {
return subTitleLabel
func updateWithRowFormer(rowFormer: RowFormer) {
// Do something
// MARK: UITableViewCell
var titleLabel: UILabel?
var subTitleLabel: UILabel?
RowFormer If you want to create a custom RowFormer, make your class inherit from BaseRowFormer and comply with the Formable protocol.
It must conform to ConfigurableInlineForm. In the case of InlineRowFomer, conform to the UpdatableSelectorForm case of SelectorRowFormer. Please look at the source code for details.
Examples of RowFormer using cells with two UITextFields:
public protocol DoubleTextFieldFormableRow: FormableRow {
func formTextField1() -> UITextField
func formTextField2() -> UITextField
public final class DoubleTextFieldRowFormer<T: UITableViewCell where T: DoubleTextFieldFormableRow>
: BaseRowFormer<T>, Formable {
// MARK: Public
override public var canBecomeEditing: Bool {
return enabled
public var text1: String?
public var text2: String?
public required init(instantiateType: Former.InstantiateType = .Class, cellSetup: (T -> Void)? = nil) {
super.init(instantiateType: instantiateType, cellSetup: cellSetup)
public final func onText1Changed(handler: (String -> Void)) -> Self {
onText1Changed = handler
return self
public final func onText2Changed(handler: (String -> Void)) -> Self {
onText2Changed = handler
return self
open override func cellInitialized(cell: T) {
cell.formTextField1().addTarget(self, action: “text1Changed:”, forControlEvents: .EditingChanged)
cell.formTextField2().addTarget(self, action: “text2Changed:”, forControlEvents: .EditingChanged)
open override func update() {
cell.selectionStyle = .None
let textField1 = cell.formTextField1()
let textField2 = cell.formTextField2()
textField1.text = text1
textField2.text = text2
// MARK: Private
private final var onText1Changed: (String -> Void)?
private final var onText2Changed: (String -> Void)?
private dynamic func text1Changed(textField: UITextField) {
if enabled {
let text = textField.text ?? “”
self.text1 = text
private dynamic func text2Changed(textField: UITextField) {
if enabled {
let text = textField.text ?? “”
self.text2 = text