- December 30, 2024
- Mins Read
Hexacon is a new way to display content in your app like the Apple Watch SpringBoard
Highly inspired by the work of lmmenge
. Special thanks to zenly
for giving me the opportunity to do this
You can also use the example provided in the repository or use pod try Hexacon
Like a UITableView!
add it as a subview
override func viewDidLoad() {
let hexagonalView = HexagonalView(frame: self.view.bounds)
hexagonalView.hexagonalDataSource = self
Then use the dataSource protocol
extension ViewController: HexagonalViewDataSource {
func numberOfItemInHexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView) -> Int {
return data.count – 1
func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView, imageForIndex index: Int) -> UIImage? {
return data[index]
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
To integrate Hexacon into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github “gautier-gdx/Hexacon”
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.
You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate Hexacon into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod ‘Hexacon’
The HexagonalView has the following properties:
weak var hexagonalDataSource: HexagonalViewDataSource?
An object that supports the HexagonalViewDataSource protocol and can provide views or images to configures the HexagonalView.
weak var hexagonalDelegate: HexagonalViewDelegate?
An object that supports the HexagonalViewDelegate protocol and can respond to HexagonalView events.
public var lastFocusedViewIndex: Int
The index of the view where the HexagonalView is or was centered on.
public var itemAppearance: HexagonalItemViewAppearance
the appearance is used to configure the global apperance of the layout and the HexagonalItemView
public struct HexagonalItemViewAppearance {
public var needToConfigureItem: Bool // used to circle image and add border, default is false
public var itemSize: CGFloat
public var itemSpacing: CGFloat
public var itemBorderWidth: CGFloat
public var itemBorderColor: UIColor
public var animationType: HexagonalAnimationType
public var animationDuration: NSTimeInterval
The default appearance is:
itemAppearance = HexagonalItemViewAppearance(
needToConfigureItem: false,
itemSize: 50,
itemSpacing: 10,
itemBorderWidth: 5,
itemBorderColor: UIColor.grayColor(),
animationType: .Circle,
animationDuration: 0.2)
There is three types of animation available (more to come)
public enum HexagonalAnimationType { case Spiral, Circle, None }
func reloadData()
This function load or reload all the view from the dataSource and refreshes the display
func viewForIndex(index: Int) -> HexagonalItemView?
Return a view at given index if it exists
There is Two protocols in hexacon, HexagonalViewDataSource and HexagonalViewDelegate
func numberOfItemInHexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView) -> Int
Return the number of items the view will contain
func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView,imageForIndex index: Int) -> UIImage?
Return a image to be displayed at index
func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView,viewForIndex index: Int) -> UIView?
Return a view to be displayed at index, the view will be transformed in an image before being displayed
NB: all of this methods are optional and you will have to choose whether you want to display a view or an image otherwise the image will be chosen in priority
func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView, didSelectItemAtIndex index: Int)
This method is called when the user has selected a view
func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView, willCenterOnIndex index: Int)
This method is called when the HexagonalView will center on an item, it gives you the new value of lastFocusedViewIndex