  • September 24, 2023

Hexacon is a new way to display content in your app like the Apple Watch SpringBoard

Highly inspired by the work of lmmenge. Special thanks to zenly for giving me the opportunity to do this


You can also use the example provided in the repository or use pod try Hexacon

How to use

Like a UITableView!

add it as a subview

override func viewDidLoad() {

let hexagonalView = HexagonalView(frame: self.view.bounds)
hexagonalView.hexagonalDataSource = self


Then use the dataSource protocol

extension ViewController: HexagonalViewDataSource {

func numberOfItemInHexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView) -> Int {
return data.count – 1

func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView, imageForIndex index: Int) -> UIImage? {
return data[index]



Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate Hexacon into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github “gautier-gdx/Hexacon”


CocoaPods  is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.

You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate Hexacon into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:


pod ‘Hexacon’


The HexagonalView has the following properties:

weak var hexagonalDataSource: HexagonalViewDataSource?

An object that supports the HexagonalViewDataSource protocol and can provide views or images to configures the HexagonalView.

weak var hexagonalDelegate: HexagonalViewDelegate?

An object that supports the HexagonalViewDelegate protocol and can respond to HexagonalView events.

public var lastFocusedViewIndex: Int

The index of the view where the HexagonalView is or was centered on.

public var itemAppearance: HexagonalItemViewAppearance

the appearance is used to configure the global apperance of the layout and the HexagonalItemView


public struct HexagonalItemViewAppearance {

public var needToConfigureItem: Bool // used to circle image and add border, default is false
public var itemSize: CGFloat
public var itemSpacing: CGFloat
public var itemBorderWidth: CGFloat
public var itemBorderColor: UIColor

public var animationType: HexagonalAnimationType
public var animationDuration: NSTimeInterval

The default appearance is:

itemAppearance = HexagonalItemViewAppearance(

needToConfigureItem: false,
itemSize: 50,
itemSpacing: 10,
itemBorderWidth: 5,
itemBorderColor: UIColor.grayColor(),

animationType: .Circle,
animationDuration: 0.2)


There is three types of animation available (more to come)

public enum HexagonalAnimationType { case Spiral, Circle, None }


func reloadData()

This function load or reload all the view from the dataSource and refreshes the display

func viewForIndex(index: Int) -> HexagonalItemView?

Return a view at given index if it exists


There is Two protocols in hexacon, HexagonalViewDataSource and HexagonalViewDelegate


func numberOfItemInHexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView) -> Int

Return the number of items the view will contain

func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView,imageForIndex index: Int) -> UIImage?

Return a image to be displayed at index

func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView,viewForIndex index: Int) -> UIView?

Return a view to be displayed at index, the view will be transformed in an image before being displayed

NB: all of this methods are optional and you will have to choose whether you want to display a view or an image otherwise the image will be chosen in priority


func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView, didSelectItemAtIndex index: Int)

This method is called when the user has selected a view

func hexagonalView(hexagonalView: HexagonalView, willCenterOnIndex index: Int)

This method is called when the HexagonalView will center on an item, it gives you the new value of lastFocusedViewIndex


View Github


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