  • November 3, 2023

During develop of my app Frind, I needed to manage in app notifications like whatsapp or telegram, but i didn’t find nothing that liked me, so, i created this library. Choose InAppNotify for your next project, I’ll be happy to give you a little help!

★★ Star our github repository to help us!, or ☕ pay me a coffee ★★

Created by Luca Becchetti



  • iOS 8+
  • swift 4.0

Main features

Here’s a highlight of the main features you can find in InAppNotify:

  • Multiple orientation We support portrait and landscape orientation
  • Fully customizable. You can customize all programmatically
  • Swipe gesture Up to dismiss, or down to show reply text field

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Do you like InAppNotify? I’m also working on several other opensource libraries.

Take a look here:

Installation with Cocoapods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like InAppNotify in your projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods


To integrate InAppNotify into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ‘’
platform :ios, ‘8.0’

target ‘TargetName’ do
pod ‘InAppNotify’

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

How to use

First of all import library in your project

import InAppNotify

The basic code to show a simple notification is:

//If you are in a UIViewController
InAppNotify.Show(Announcement(title: “Hello world! my first example!”), to: self)

InAppNotify.Show method

This is a static method used to present a notitication, it takes two parameters, first is an instance of Announcement object, the second is a subclass of UIViewController

Create announcement object

This library can show only an instance of “Announcement” object, you can pass many parameters to his initializer:

let announce = Announcement(
//Title, the first line
title : “I am titile”,
//Subtitle, the second line
subtitle : “I am subititle”,
//Image local, show if no urlImage is set
image : UIImage(named: “test”),
//URL of remote image
urlImage : “https://…..”,
//Seconds before disappear
duration : 3,
//Interaction type. none or text
interactionType : InteractionType.none,
//Pass data to annoucement
userInfo : [“id” : 10],
//Action callback
action: { (type, string, announcement) in

//You can detect the action by test “type” var
if type == CallbackType.tap{
print(“User has been tapped”)
}else if type == CallbackType.text{
print(“Reply from notification: \(string!)”)
print(“Notification has been closed!”)


Present announcement object

When object is created you can present it with this code:

//If you are in a UIViewController
InAppNotify.Show(announce, to: self)

Interact with notification

When you create an announcement, you can interact with it passed an action callback:

//Inside initialization of announcement
action: { (type, string, announcement) in

//You can detect the action by test “type” var
if type == CallbackType.tap{
print(“User has been tapped”)
}else if type == CallbackType.text{
print(“Reply from notification: \(string!)”)
print(“Notification has been closed!”)


From the callbacak you can access the announcement object that has been triggered this method, announcement has a particolar attribute called “userInfo” (it’s of type “Any”) that you can set when create object, and read here.

If you want to enable a textField interaction when pull down notification, pass this parameter to announcement object:

//Inside initialization of announcement
interactionType : InteractionType.text,

This will present a textArea where user can write! to modify the text button (“send” by default) use this code:

InAppNotify.sendString = “Send”

To read user input, if you have set an action callback, test if the type is “text” and access string variable:

//Inside callback
if type == CallbackType.text{
print(“Reply from notification: \(string!)”)


InAppNotify supports themes, by default we have two themes, accessibile from “Themes” class:

  • Themes.dark
  • Themes.light

To use a theme you have to set a global variable of the library, example:

//Set dark theme
InAppNotify.theme = Themes.dark

Of course, you can create your custom theme programmatically, here an example:

//Create and use a custom theme
InAppNotify.theme = Theme(
titleFont : UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 18),
subtitleFont : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 13),
backgroundColor : UIColor(red:0.90, green:0.58, blue:0.15, alpha:1.00),
dragIndicatorColor : UIColor(red:0.95, green:0.80, blue:0.19, alpha:1.00),
titleColor : UIColor.white,
subtitleColor : UIColor.white,
shadowColor : UIColor.darkGray.cgColor,
inputTextBackgroundColor : UIColor(red:0.95, green:0.80, blue:0.19, alpha:1.00),
inputTextColor : UIColor.white,
sendButtonHighlightedColor : UIColor.darkGray,
sendButtonNormalColor :,
separatorLineColor :


View Github

#cocoapods #ios #library #notification #objectivec #swift #telegram #textfield



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