  • November 11, 2023

A fully customisable subclass of the native UIControl which allows you to create beautiful buttons without writing any line of code.


You’ll be able to create buttons like these by using only the interface builder:

Moreover you can use them for asynchronous operations.


To integrate LGButton into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:


pod ‘LGButton’

Icons and images

You can add images/icons to your button, icons are taken from different ready to use font icons collections, images can be imported directly from your project assets folder.

You can customise icons/images on the left and/or on the right of the button title.


Icons are managed by SwiftIconFont integration, so you can easily add and customise button icons by choosing from the most popular font icons collections. In particular:

Collection Font name Cheat Sheet
Font Awesome fa List
Ion Icons io List
Octicons oc List
Open Iconic ic List
Material Icon ma List
Themify ti List
Map Icons mi List

The main properties that you need to set in order to use font icons are:

  • Icon Font Name: you can pick one value from the table above, different values will be ignored (please consider that not all the icons may be available since this library may not be updated right after a font library update).

  • Icon String: the icon name taken from the cheatsheet without the collection prefix.

So, if you want to use fa-align-left from Font AwesomeIcon Font Name will be fa and Icon String will be align-left.


Set the Image source property in order to use an image from your assets folder.

Note: if Image source is set, every other property about the font icon on the same side will be ignored.


Drag and drop an UIView object into your view controller and set its class and module to LGButton.

Customise your button by setting the properties from the Interface Builder.

Supported Attributes

Attribute Description Default value
Bg Color Main background color clear
Show Touch Feedback Whether a touch feedback should be visible or not true
Gradient Start Color The first color of the gradient background nil
Gradient End Color The second color of the gradient background nil
Gradient End Color The second color of the gradient background nil
Gradient Horizontal Whether the gradient should be horizontal or not false
Gradient Rotation Set the gradient rotation angle (degrees from -360 to 360) 0
Corner Radius The corner radius 0.0
Fully Rounded Corners Apply a corner radius equals to height/2 false
Border Color The border color white
Border Width The border width 0.0
Title Color The title color white
Title String The title string EMPTY_STRING
Title Font Name The title font name nil
Title Font Size The title font size 14.0
Vertical orientation If true the left icon will be placed on the top and the right icon will be placed on the bottom false
Left Icon String The name of the left icon (taken from the cheat sheet) EMPTY_STRING
Left Icon Font Name The name of the left icon font name (taken from the table above) EMPTY_STRING
Left Icon Font Size The left icon font size 14.0
Left Icon Color The left icon color white
Left Image Src The name of the left source asset nil
Left Image Height The left image height 20.0
Left Image Width The left image width 20.0
Left Image Color The left image tint color nil
Right Icon String The name of the right icon (taken from the cheat sheet) EMPTY_STRING
Right Icon Font Name The name of the right icon font name (taken from the table above) EMPTY_STRING
Right Icon Font Size The right icon font size 14.0
Right Icon Color The right icon color white
Right Image Src The name of the right source asset nil
Right Image Height The right image height 20.0
Right Image Width The right image width 20.0
Right Image Color The right image tint color nil
Spacing Title Icon The spacing between the title and the image/icon 16.0
Spacing Top The internal top spacing 8.0
Spacing Bottom The internal bottom spacing 8.0
Spacing Leading The internal leading spacing 16.0
Spacing Trailing The internal trailing spacing 16.0
Shadow Offset The shadow offset (0,0)
Shadow Radius The shadow radius 0.0
Shadow Opacity The shadow opacity 1.0
Shadow Color The shadow color black
Loading spinner Color The loading spinner color white
Loading String The loading message text EMPTY_STRING
Loading Font Name The loading message font name EMPTY_STRING
Loading Font Size The loading message font size 14.0
Left Aligned true if the button items should be aligned to the left. It requires the button to have a fixed width false
Right Aligned true if the button items should be aligned to the right. It requires the button to have a fixed width false

You can download the demo project if you want to check more.


Feel free to submit issues and features requests.


View Github

#beautifulbuttons #button #font #fonticons #ibdesiganble #interfacebuilder #ios #ioslib #iosswift #swift #swift4 #ui #uibutton #uicontrol #xcode



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