  • November 26, 2023

Panels is a framework to easily add sliding panels to your application. It takes care of the safe area in new devices and moving your panel when the keyboard is presented/dismissed.

Updated to Swift 5.1

Sliding Panel demo1 Sliding Panel demo2 Sliding Panel demo3


First, create your own panel, you can use Interface Builder, use as reference the examples provided. Make sure that you conform the protocol Panelable

import UIKit
import Panels

class PanelOptions: UIViewController, Panelable {
@IBOutlet var headerHeight: NSLayoutConstraint!
@IBOutlet var headerPanel: UIView!

This protocol defines the interface needed to be able to adjust the sliding panel to the container, expanding and collapsing. It will take care of the safe area

Then in your ViewController, where the panel is presented:

class YourViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var panelManager = Panels(target: self)
override func viewDidLoad() {
let panel = UIStoryboard.instantiatePanel(identifier: “YourPanelName”)
let panelConfiguration = PanelConfiguration(size: .oneThird)

// To present the panel panel, config: panelConfiguration)
// To dismiss the panel

If you want to get notifications when the panel is presented, collapsed or expanded, just conform the protocol PanelNotifications

You can find extra options in the PanelConfiguration object:

/// Storyboard name, the first Viewcontroller will be instantiated
public var panelName: String

/// Panel height
public var panelSize: PanelDimensions

/// Panel margins between the header and the next views.
public var panelMargin: CGFloat

/// Visible area when the panel is collapsed
public var panelVisibleArea: CGFloat

/// Safe area is avoided if this flag is true.
public var useSafeArea = true

/// Collapse and expand when tapping the header view.
public var respondToTap = true

/// Collapse and expand when dragging the header view.
public var respondToDrag = true

/// Collapse when tapping outside the panel
public var closeOutsideTap = true

/// Animate the panel when the superview is shown.
public var animateEntry = false

/// If parent view is a navigationcontroller child, this flag allow a better calculation when the panelSize is .fullScreen
public var enclosedNavigationBar = true

You could add an arrow indicator to give more feedback to your panels. The perfect companion for Panels is Arrows



Add the line pod "Panels" to your Podfile


Add the line github "antoniocasero/Panels" to your Cartfile


dependencies: [
.package(url: “”, from: “2.2.3”)


View Github

#bottom #containerviewcontroller #iphonex #notifications #panel #panels #popup #safearea #sliding #slidingmenu #swift4 #ui #ux



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