- December 30, 2024
- Mins Read
Write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate. This library allows you to write flowable NSPredicate, without guessing attribution names, predicate operation or writing wrong arguments type.
CocoaPods is actually the only way to install it.
CocoaPods 0.39.0+ is required to build this library
Add pod 'PredicateFlow'
to your Podfile and run pod install
In Xcode, click on your project in the file list, choose your target under TARGETS
, click the Build Phases
tab and add a New Run Script Phase
by clicking the plus icon in the top left
Drag the new Run Script
phase above the Compile Sources
phase and below Check Pods Manifest.lock
, expand it and paste the following script:
“$PODS_ROOT/Sourcery/bin/sourcery” –sources “$PODS_ROOT/PredicateFlow/PredicateFlow/Classes/Utils/” –sources “$SRCROOT” –templates “$PODS_ROOT/PredicateFlow/PredicateFlow/Templates/PredicateFlow.stencil” –output “$SRCROOT/PredicateFlow.generated.swift”
In case you are using PredicateFlow-Realm, past the following script instead of the above one:
“$PODS_ROOT/Sourcery/bin/sourcery” –sources “$PODS_ROOT/PredicateFlow/PredicateFlow/Classes/Utils/” –sources “$SRCROOT” –sources “$PODS_ROOT/RealmSwift” –templates “$PODS_ROOT/PredicateFlow/PredicateFlow/Templates/PredicateFlow-Realm.stencil” –output “$SRCROOT/PredicateFlow.generated.swift”
For Xcode 10 only, add a new Output Files
and paste the following:
Build your project. In Finder you will now see a PredicateFlow.generated.swift
in the $SRCROOT
-folder, drag the PredicateFlow.generated.swift
files into your project and uncheck Copy items if needed
Tip: Add the *.generated.swift
pattern to your .gitignore
file to prevent unnecessary conflicts.
Define a class/struct with its own attributes, which implements PredicateSchema
import PredicateFlow
class Dog: PredicateSchema {
private var name: String = “”
private var age: Int = 0
private var isHungry: Bool = false
private var owner: Person?
class Person: PredicateSchema {
enum Sex {
case male
case female
private var name: String = “”
private var birth: Date?
private var sex: Sex!
private var dogs: [Dog] = []
Build the project. PredicateFlow will autogenerate attributes references to build predicates, putting them in structures.
// Generated using Sourcery 0.10.0 — https://github.com/krzysztofzablocki/Sourcery
import PredicateFlow
/// The “Dog” Predicate Schema
internal struct DogSchema: GeneratedPredicateSchema {
private var compoundFieldBuilder: CompoundFieldBuilder
internal init(compoundFieldBuilder: CompoundFieldBuilder) {
self.compoundFieldBuilder = compoundFieldBuilder
/// “name” property
internal var name: StringPredicateProperty { return builder.string(“name”) }
/// “name” property for static access
internal static var name: StringPredicateProperty { return DogSchema().name }
// Other properties of Dog class autogenerated…
/// The “Person” Predicate Schema
internal struct PersonSchema: GeneratedPredicateSchema {
private var compoundFieldBuilder: CompoundFieldBuilder
internal init(compoundFieldBuilder: CompoundFieldBuilder) {
self.compoundFieldBuilder = compoundFieldBuilder
/// “name” property
internal var name: StringPredicateProperty { return builder.string(“name”) }
/// “name” property for static access
internal static var name: StringPredicateProperty { return PersonSchema().name }
// Other properties of Person class autogenerated…
To type a floawable NSPredicate, just write:
// or
// Vanilla mode:
// NSPredicate(“age == %@”, 10)
You can also write compound predicate, and use deeper fields:
PredicateBuilder(DogSchema.age > 10)
.and(DogSchema.age.between(1, 10))
.and(DogSchema.owner.element().name == “Foo”)
.or(DogSchema.owner.element().dogs.maxElements().age > 10)
.or(DogSchema.owner.element().dogs.anyElements().name == “Foo”)
// Vanilla mode:
// NSPredicate(“age > %@ AND isHungry == %@ AND age BETWEEN %@ AND owner.name == %@ OR owner.dogs.@max.age > %@ OR ANY owner.dogs.name == %@”, 10, true, [1, 10], “Foo”, 10, “Foo”)
PredicateFlow can also build KeyPaths, and you can use it to get a strong-typed one.
// Vanilla mode:
// “age”
// “owner.dogs”
If you want to use flowable and strong-typed queries in Realm, add both pod 'PredicateFlow'
and pod 'PredicateFlow/Realm'
to your Podfile and run pod install
let realm = try! Realm()
.filter(DogSchema.age.isGreater(than: 10))
// Vanilla mode:
.filter(“age > %@”, 10)
.filter(“isHungry == %@”, true)
.sorted(“age”, ascending: true)