- December 30, 2024
- Mins Read
Running:open SwiftTheme.xcworkspace
, run target PlistDemo
As part of our project requirement, we need to add night mode to our app. It’s not as simple as just changing brightness or alpha on the top-level view—in fact, it needs an entirely new interface: different colors, different alpha, different image cuts. More accurately, “night mode” is a theme/skinning feature that can switch between bright theme and dark themes.
So how do we achieve this? Maybe we can set a global variable that represents the currently selected theme, and use different background colors or image cuts based on the variable during the controller’s initialization. But then how do we deal with views that have already been initialized? Yes, we could use notifications to change their colors or image cuts, but this leads to controllers unnecessarily full of notification register/unregister, if…else and UI updating code. Worse, if you forget to unregister the notifications, your app may crash.
After some consideration, we put forward higher requirements on the task: create a simple and reusable themes/skinning framework, here as you see.
Make SwiftTheme a simple, powerful, high-performance, extensible themes/skinning framework. Provide a unified solution for iOS.
Vary background color of UIView according to the theme setting:
view.theme_backgroundColor = [“#FFF”, “#000”]
Vary text color of UILabel and UIButton:
label.theme_textColor = [“#000”, “#FFF”]
button.theme_setTitleColor([“#000”, “#FFF”], forState: .Normal)
Vary image of UIImageView:
imageView.theme_image = [“day”, “night”]
// It’s ok by using UIImage instances if you don’t want to use image names.
imageView.theme_image = ThemeImagePicker(images: image1, image2)
A miracle happens after you execute the single line of code below!
// these numbers represent the parameters’ index.
// eg. “view.theme_backgroundColor = [“#FFF”, “#000″]”, index 0 represents “#FFF”, index 1 represents “#000”
ThemeManager.setTheme(index: isNight ? 1 : 0)
Get current theme index.
ThemeManager.currentThemeIndex // Readonly
Index mode is a fast way for the situation: a few themes, but not many, no need to download more new themes.
Notice About Literal:
// Wrong example:
let colors = [“#FFF”, “#000”]
view.theme_backgroundColor = colors
// You should write like this:
view.theme_backgroundColor = [“#FFF”, “#000”]
// or this:
let colorPickers: ThemeColorPicker = [“#FFF”, “#000”]
view.theme_backgroundColor = colorPickers
Because theme_backgroundColor accepts an argument of type ThemeColorPicker,not Array. Nevertheless, “view.theme_backgroundColor = [“#FFF”, “#000″]” does the same as initializing an instance of ThemeColorPicker by “Literal” and passing it to the theme_backgroundColor.
You may want to make your app download and install an indefinite number of themes. To fulfill this requirement, we provide plist mode. Simply put, you write configuration info such as colors, image cuts and so on, in a plist file. Then, you can use their keys in the logic code. So, the plist file and the resource files are used to constitute a theme package.
Usage demo of plist mode.
view.theme_backgroundColor = “Global.backgroundColor”
imageView.theme_image = “SelectedThemeCell.iconImage”
Similar with the index mode. Only the specific parameters become keys. And as such, we give it the extension ability.
The plist file name is the first paramter of the switching method. In this example, the plist file and other resource files are in the application bundle. It’s also ok if they are in sandbox.
ThemeManager.setTheme(plistName: “Red”, path: .mainBundle)
plist mode allow you install more themes without modifying logic code. So, you can add the feature that, downloading and installing themes for your app.
the screenshots of the plist and image files we used above:
Fully compatible with Objective-C, usage demo:
lbl.theme_backgroundColor = [ThemeColorPicker pickerWithColors:@[@”#FAF9F9″, @”#E2E2E2″]];
pod ‘SwiftTheme’
github “wxxsw/SwiftTheme”
Xcode -> File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
, then select the version, complete.Copy all the files in “Sources” folder into your project
usage of index mode ②
usage of plist mode
SwiftTheme provides new properties for views, they all beigin with theme_
. Such as theme_backgroundColor
corresponds backgroundColor
view.theme_backgroundColor = ThemeColorPicker(colors: “#FFF”, “#000”)
view.theme_image = ThemeImagePicker(names: “day”, “night”)
view.theme_backgroundColor = ThemeColorPicker(keyPath: “SomeColorKeyPath”)
view.theme_image = ThemeImagePicker(keyPath: “SomeImageKeyPath”)
Different type of properties receive different type of Pickers. Thus, IDE will warn you if you pass a wrong parameter.
When you switch themes, all the theme_
properties you set will update with animation. Usage:
ThemeManager.setTheme(index: 0) // ThemePickers will use the first parameter, eg. “#FFF” “day”
ThemeManager.setTheme(index: 1) // ThemePickers will use the second parameter, eg. “#000” “night”
// use “day.plist” in the appllication bundle as the theme configuration file.
// In this mode, SwiftTheme will find the resource files in the appllication bundle.
ThemeManager.setTheme(plistName: “day”, path: .mainBundle)
// use “night.plist” in the sandbox as the theme configuration file, “someURL” is its file path.
// In this mode, SwiftTheme will find the resource files in the same path.
ThemeManager.setTheme(plistName: “night”, path: .sandbox(someURL))
// use a dictionary as the theme configuration, but find resource files in the sandbox.(Not recommend)
ThemeManager.setTheme(dict: dict, path: .sandbox(someURL))
SwiftTheme posts a notification named ThemeUpdateNotification
when theme changes, you can observe this notification anywhere and do whatever you want:
selector: #selector(doSomethingMethod),
name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: ThemeUpdateNotification),
object: nil
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(doSomethingMethod) name:@”ThemeUpdateNotification” object:nil];
// supported formats:
// “#ffcc00” RGB
// “#ffcc00dd” RGBA
// “#FFF” RGB in short
// “#013E” RGBA in short
ThemeColorPicker(colors: “#FFFFFF”, “#000”)
ThemeColorPicker(colors: UIColor.red, UIColor.blue)
ThemeColorPicker.pickerWithColors([“#FFFFFF”, “#000”])
ThemeColorPicker.pickerWithUIColors([UIColor.red, UIColor.blue])
ThemeColorPicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeImagePicker(names: “image1”, “image2”)
ThemeImagePicker.pickerWithNames([“image1”, “image2”])
ThemeImagePicker(images: UIImage(named: “image1”)!, UIImage(named: “image2”)!)
ThemeImagePicker.pickerWithImages([UIImage(named: “image1”)!, UIImage(named: “image2”)!])
ThemeImagePicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeCGFloatPicker(floats: 1.0, 0.7)
ThemeCGFloatPicker.pickerWithFloats([1.0, 0.7])
ThemeCGFloatPicker(keyPath: “someNumberKeyPath”)
ThemeCGColorPicker(colors: “#FFFFFF”, “#000”)
ThemeCGColorPicker(colors: UIColor.red, UIColor.blue)
ThemeCGColorPicker(colors: UIColor.red.cgColor, UIColor.blue.cgColor)
ThemeCGColorPicker.pickerWithColors([“#FFFFFF”, “#000”])
ThemeCGColorPicker.pickerWithUIColors([UIColor.blue, UIColor.red])
ThemeCGColorPicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeFontPicker(fonts: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 11))
ThemeFontPicker.pickerWithFonts([UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10), UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 11)])
// name the key you like, but the available values format like this: “PingFangSC-Regular,16”
ThemeFontPicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeDictionaryPicker(dicts: [“key”: “value”], [“key”: “value”])
ThemeDictionaryPicker.pickerWithDicts([[“key”: “value”], [“key”: “value”]])
ThemeDictionaryPicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”) { (Any?) -> [String: AnyObject]? in … }
ThemeStringAttributesPicker([“key”: “value”], [“key”: “value”])
ThemeStringAttributesPicker.pickerWithAttributes([NSAttributedStringKey.font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16)])
ThemeStringAttributesPicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”) { (Any?) -> [NSAttributedString.Key: Any]? in … }
ThemeAttributedStringPicker(NSAttributedString(…), NSAttributedString(…))
ThemeAttributedStringPicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”) { (Any?) -> NSAttributedString? in … }
ThemeBarStylePicker(styles: .default, .black)
ThemeBarStylePicker.pickerWithStyles([.default, .black])
ThemeBarStylePicker.pickerWithStringStyles([“default”, “black”])
// name the key you like, but the available values are “default” and “black”
ThemeBarStylePicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeStatusBarStylePicker(styles: .default, .lightContent, .darkContent)
ThemeStatusBarStylePicker.pickerWithStyles([.default, .lightContent, .darkContent])
ThemeStatusBarStylePicker.pickerWithStringStyles([“default”, “lightContent”, “darkContent”])
// name the key you like, but the available values are “default”, “lightContent” and “darkContent”
ThemeStatusBarStylePicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeKeyboardAppearancePicker(styles: .default, .dark, .light)
ThemeKeyboardAppearancePicker.pickerWithStyles([.default, .dark, .light])
ThemeKeyboardAppearancePicker.pickerWithStringStyles([“default”, “dark”, “light”])
// name the key you like, but the available values are “default”, “dark” and “light”
ThemeKeyboardAppearancePicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeActivityIndicatorViewStylePicker(styles: .whiteLarge, .white, .gray)
ThemeActivityIndicatorViewStylePicker.pickerWithStyles([.whiteLarge, .white, .gray])
ThemeActivityIndicatorViewStylePicker.pickerWithStringStyles([“whiteLarge”, “white”, “gray”])
// name the key you like, but the available values are “whiteLarge”, “white” and “gray”
ThemeActivityIndicatorViewStylePicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeVisualEffectPicker(effects: UIBlurEffect(style: .light), UIBlurEffect(style: .dark))
ThemeVisualEffectPicker.pickerWithEffects([UIBlurEffect(style: .light), UIBlurEffect(style: .dark)])
ThemeVisualEffectPicker.pickerWithStringEffects([“light”, “dark”, “extralight”, “prominent”, “regular”])
// name the key you like, but the available values are “light”, “dark”, “extralight”, “prominent” and “regular”
ThemeVisualEffectPicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
ThemeAnyPicker(anys: 0, “123”, UIColor.red)
ThemeAnyPicker.pickerWithAnys([0, “123”, UIColor.red])
ThemeAnyPicker(keyPath: “someStringKeyPath”)
Download this project and find more. There are four demo targets:
shows how to use index mode and how to save the last selection of themes and other general usages.PlistDemo
shows how to use plist mode and how to download themes that packaged in zip files.JsonDemo
is like PlistDemo
, but use json
is Demo
‘s Objective-C version.TVOSDemo
is used to test tvos compatibility.Why doesn’t theme_setStatusBarStyle work as expected?
In your app’s Info.plist
you will need to set View Controller-based status bar appearence
to NO
Can I manually cancel the theme of a property?
Sure, just make it nil
—example: view.theme_backgroundColor = nil