中文介绍 ESTabBarController is a highly customizable TabBarController component, which is inherited from UITabBarController.
Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes and I won't be abel to maintain this library any longer and upgrade ...
Warning UIMenuController is deprecated from iOS 16. Use UIEditMenuInteraction instead. MenuItemKit provides image and block(closure) support for UIMenuItem. MenuItemKit is a Swift project but Objective-C is supported ...
TORoundedButton is an open source UI control of a standard user button. Its design consists of displaying text on top of ...
Usage To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. There's also an Swift implementation developed ...
(https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage) LiquidFloatingActionButton is floating action button component of material design in liquid state, inspired by Material In a Liquid State. This is also spinner ...
HTPressableButton is designed for iOS developers to be able to spend time developing ideas, not building basic buttons. These stylish ...
A simple ActionSheet. WeChat, Weibo and QQ all use similar styles. Fully support Swift. 🇨🇳中文介绍