A swifter Core Data stack About This library aims to do the following: Encode Core Data best practices, so you ...

ElegantCalendar is an efficient and customizable full screen calendar written in SwiftUI. ElegantTimeline - Shows what's possible using ElegantCalendar Comes with ...

Q: How will my calendar dateCells look with this library? A: However you want them to look. Features atures  Range ...

An elegant calendar control for iOS. Introduction Get bored with native silly UIDatePicker? You may have a try on this control. ...

A wonderful layout component called the UIStackView was introduced with iOS 9. With this component it is really easy to layout components in ...

Overview StackViewController is a Swift framework that simplifies the process of building forms and other static content using UIStackView. For example, the ...

Example iOS style Default style iOS & Default combined style Absolutely custom style Right label style Easy to change

Universal API for request permission and get its statuses — available .authorized, .denied & .notDetermined.                

Permission exposes a unified API to request permissions on iOS.