Custom Camera.


  • Extremely simple and easy to use
  • Controls autofocus & exposure
  • Customizable interface
  • Code-made UI assets that do not lose resolution quality & resize dynamically depending on the screen size of the device.
  • Added animations to the UI elements for a more intuitive and responsive feel.
  • Overlays over any presented view controller or view
  • Made for iPhone & iPad


  • Include the AVFoundation.Framework library in your project, click on your project’s target, navigate to Build Phases, then go to Link Binary With Libraries, click on the + and add the AVFoundation.Framework.
  • Browse to the directory of the demo app and drag the CustomizableCamera folder into your Xcode project.
  • import "CameraSessionView.h" to the view controller that will invoke the camera.


Using CustomizableCamera in your app is very fast and simple.

Displaying the camera view and adopting its delegate

After importing the "CameraSessionView.h" into the view controller, adopt its <CACameraSessionDelegate> delegate.

Next, declare a CameraSessionView property:

@property (nonatomic, strong) CameraSessionView *cameraView;

Now in the place where you would like to invoke the camera view (on the action of a button or viewDidLoad) instantiate it, set it’s delegate and add it as a subview:

_cameraView = [[CameraSessionView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame];
_cameraView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:_cameraView];

Now implement one of this two delegate functions depending on whether you would like to get back a UIImage or NSData for an image when the shutter on the camera is pressed,

For a UIImage:

-(void)didCaptureImage:(UIImage *)image {
//Use the image that is received

For NSData:

-(void)didCaptureImageWithData:(NSData *)imageData {
//Use the image’s data that is received

Dismissing the camera view

You can hide the camera view either by pressing the dismiss button on it or by writing [self.cameraView removeFromSuperview]; on the invoking view controller (it can be written inside one of the two delegate functions in order to dismiss it after taking a photo).


Once you have your CameraSessionView instance you can customize the appearance of the camera using its api, below are some samples:

To change the color of the top bar including its transparency:

[_cameraView setTopBarColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.97 green:0.97 blue:0.97 alpha: 0.64]];

To hide the flash button:

[_cameraView hideFlashButton]; //On iPad flash is not present, hence it wont appear.

To hide the switch camera’s button:

[_cameraView hideCameraToogleButton];

To hide the dismiss button:

[_cameraView hideDismissButton];x

If no customization is made, the camera view will use its default look.


You can find a full example on usage and customization on the Xcode project attached to this repository.


  • Christopher Cohen


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